1st Advanced Materials Workshop

- From Bioinspiration to Technological Innovation
Costa Rica-Taiwan-AFOSR/ONRG
Please receive a warm greeting and our sincere invitation on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Advanced Materials Workshop-From Bioinspiration to Technological Innovation, Costa Rica-Taiwan-AFOSR/ONRG.  
The event consists of the first Workshop co-organized between Costa Rican Universities and Academia Sinica in Taiwan and various US Institutions linked through the AFOSR/SOARD (Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development) and ONRG research ecosystem, and will bring together science and engineering leaders from across the broad field of advanced materials and bioinspiration.
  • Please see invitation attached, detailed schedule will follow


Please see the following details for your consideration:  


  • For official confirmation, please reply at your earliest convenience (no later than Nov. 15th) with the following infos:
Your Full name
Field of research
Intended participation (invited speaker or observer)
Short abstract of the oral presentation (1-page, see template attached)
Short CV (1-page, to be introduced by a moderator before your talk)
Special diet request (vegetarian, vegan, food allergy, etc.)


 More infos for your consideration:

Workshop Fee
On or Before


Online Webinar

On or Before     


USD $122.94 USD $187.65 USD $58.24


Gala dinner Ticket:
Thursday 14th Evening Gala dinner ticket not included in the Workshop fee and it is offered for USD $94.47 (include VAT/Admin rate of 23.5%)
Additional tickets for guests may also be purchased.
Link for payment for both registration and gala dinner: 1° Taller de Materiales Avanzados Costa Rica-Taiwán-ONRG/AFOSR (fundacionucr.com).


About transportation:

Private shuttle transportation will be arranged for all participants who desire to be transported from/to San Jose Airport-Venue location. If more freedom of transportation is desired to move around the country before/after the activity, renting a car at the SJO airport is also an option but on one's own expense.

Please let us know your choice of transportation, if our airport pick-up is your preferred choice please send us your flight itineraries and names of person(s) to be transported no later than Dec. 1st. 2023.

We look forward to seeing you all in Dec. in beautiful Costa Rica. Feel free to contact any of us for confirmation and/or prior information and pass this information to your colleagues whom you think might be interested in the workshop.







 Directorio de contactos 

© 2025 Universidad de Costa Rica.


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